Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home Improvements

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, and it's too bad, because we've had some great meals. Green garlic is in at the farmers' market, and I've been putting it in everything. But in the meantime, we've been doing some home improvements, and I thought posting some photos would be a great way to show what we've done. The next post--when it stops raining--will be the outside improvements.

The arms on the slipcover on one of our PB sofas developed big holes, so we had to get new ones, and this time we upgraded the fabric a bit and bought the sage-green ones. I wanted off-white, but since Rosy, our poodle, spends a lot of time on the couch, that seemed like a bad idea. We're thinking about moving our dining room rug, which matches a bit better and would lighten up the room. What do you think?
The biggest change we made was to install plantation shutters on the windows in our living room and dining room (and over my desk near the kitchen). They are a great improvement over the venetian blinds that were here (came with house), and we'd love to do them throughout--but pretty expensive.

These are the new sparrow sheets we bought from Pottery Barn (which unfortunately does not make king size shams). I switched around some lamps and artwork to better match the new colors. The PB sheets are great.