Monday, June 14, 2010

Rancho La Puerta

I just returned from a week at a spa in Baja CA, and, boy, it couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s a beautiful spot, about 40 miles from San Diego, and we had perfect weather while there. I particularly enjoyed two-mile morning hikes, Pilates and water aerobics, and I also attended writer’ workshops in the afternoons. We had a cooking class one evening at the ranch’s cooking school, which has 8-acre organic garden attached. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures at the cooking school or gardens.

The food at the ranch was terrific! Lots of fruit and vegetables, soup and salad at both dinner and lunch, along with a choice of two entrees—and you could ask for both! I didn’t lose any weight, but I didn’t gain any either. I probably ate more volume than usual—due to more exercise—but no meat, almost no bread or butter, and no wine (until the last night). It’s a beautiful place, low-key for a spa, and not at all fancy or snobbish. I would definitely recommend it. Here’s the link to the website:

The food picture above is from lunch the last day; the other shots are of the grounds.

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