Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer Garden A Bust!

Our summer garden was a bust this year, with small plants and few veggies. We planted 5 tomatoes this year, and even the cherries are doing poorly--barely enough for our salad each night. Luckily, Davis has a fantastic farmer's market, so we've been regular visitors. Our squash and cucumber plants, three in all, appear to be dead or nearly so, and though the tomato plants still have a few tomatoes, they are pretty pathetic. Clearly, we will have to do some major soil amendment next year and maybe rethink our watering system. I'm really not sure what the problem is. That healthy-looking plant spilling over the side is tarragon--much more than we could ever use!

We will probably have basil for a couple more months, but even those plants are much smaller than last year. Four small eggplants may be ready for the weekend, but that plant too is far less hardy than last year's. It's been disappointing, to say the least!

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