Sunday, March 29, 2020

A very good cake recipe with FRUIT

This recipe comes from the former acting Superintendent of Schools in Darien, back when I was on the school board there. I included it here years ago, and have made it more times than I can count. A major change today, since I have no fresh fruit, is the use of frozen berries, mostly black berries and blueberries, and the recipe below is just as Darrell Lund wrote it.
Here is a simple but very good cake recipe in which you can use virtually any kind or combination of fresh fruit.
3/4 cup sugar
8 tbsp. butter or substitute
1 cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
pinch of salt
2 eggs or equivalent (eggbeaters, etc.)
1/4 cup mixed sugar and cinnamon (I use a crystallized brown sugar for added texture)

1.  Butter a 9" spring form pan
2.  Cream butter and sugar
3.  Add flour, baking powder, salt and eggs and process thoroughly
4.  Spread dough in spring form pan
5.  Add fruit
6.  Sprinkle with mixture of sugar and cinnamon
7.  Bake in 350 degree oven for 60 minutes (I place cake in lower shelf of oven)
Be very generous in your use of fruit. Press them into dough (which is quite soft). Fresh raspberries are particularly good, as are blueberries. You really can use virtually any fruit, including those from cans or jars when not available fresh. It tastes lightest and best when eaten about 30-45 minutes out of the oven.

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