Sunday, March 29, 2020

Bread making

A few days ago I mentioned that I was trying to make a sourdough starter just from the air. Well, yesterday I completed my first loaf, and it was moderately successful. It had some sour dough flavor but was a bit denser than I might have liked--the final rise was probably not quite enough.

For this loaf, I followed a recipe in the Greens cookbook, cutting it into a third so as not to waste too much flour. After the starter had been fermenting for three or four days, I made a sponge using about half of the starter and flour and water--in this case all whole wheat. Because my house is cold, I let the sponge sit for nearly 24 hours, rather than the recommended 10-12. Then I added more flour (bread flour this time) and a small amount of yeast, kneaded it into a dough, and let it rise for several hours--this rise was pretty good. The pictures below show the starter about after about 3 days and the finished bread. When I get a loaf I really like, I'll add a recipe!

Bread, after dinner


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