Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chicken Dinner

All last week my 90-year old mom was sick, so I said I’d take dinner over on Saturday. Since I wanted something kind of bland, I bought a chicken and some mushrooms and decided to use my favorite veal stew recipe (Ragout de Veau, Printanier, but without the peas) from Julia Child’s Vol. II. I checked out several other chicken recipes of Julia’s from #1—did I want a fricassee or a sauté? According to Julia, a fricassee is best if you’re making it ahead, so I followed those directions. However, I didn’t want to thicken it with an egg-yolk mixture (harder for the folks to reheat the leftovers), so I used the beurre manie in the original veal stew recipe. Fresh tarragon provided a much more subtle flavor than dried would have, but I probably should have peeled the tomatoes. I served it with rice, instead of potatoes, and it turned out great.


  1. Yes indeedy, it was great! Please make it again. And it's fine by me if you skip the peas.

  2. Oh, this sounds so good. Hope your Mom is better.
