Monday, September 14, 2009


Last night we ate this eggplant, possibly one of the last of the season. The plant has quite a few flowers still, but it may be too cool for them to turn into fruit. In fact, it rained here last night!

I cooked this very simply, in order to taste the eggplant fully. I sauteed small cubes in olive oil, tossing often, and then added about 1/4 cup of water to the pan and let it steam for a few minutes; eggplant is NOT good al dente! Next I added some small green onions that had been hiding under the sage I pulled out. A big handful of herbs finished it off, including red pepper flakes, Vietnamese coriander, parsley, agastache leaves, and purple basil.

Along with a green salad, with orange cherry tomatoesand lemon cucumber from the garden, it was a great accompaniment to the giant beef ribs we had bought at the Meat Lab on Friday.

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