Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fall Garden Started!

It was cool and cloudy today, a perfect day for work outside. I decided it was time to plant the baby broccoli rape and get some lettuce, kale and chard to go along with it. The lemon cucumber had to go, along with pretty much everything else in one 4x8 bed, except one squash, 3 small parsley and 2 arugula plants. In the other 8x4 bed, we pulled out two large sage plants and planted them in the ground, making way there for chard and some more parsley. All the rest went in the other bed: six-packs of kale, broccoli rape, red romaine, radiccio, bibb butterhead and a mesclun mix. I added some soil booster, and also some fertilizer. The lettuce plants are so big I’ll start picking some leaves, maybe even tonight.

I’m giving the eggplant and peppers another week at least, and I don’t know how long the tomatoes will keep going. I think I’ll probably make some pesto to freeze this week, before the basil gets too bitter. At left is a shot of the newly planted bed.

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